Articles Listings

Displaying 41261 - 41280 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
41261 GOP officials see President Nixon as liked in South 08/10/1970 15:01 Nixon, Richard Milhous
41262 GOP plan: Local income tax for schools--Iowa House favors 4 percent sales 03/27/1971 1:01 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
41263 GOP plank vows: 'no camouflaged surrender' - Viet 'peace at any price' is 08/05/1968 1:06 National Conventions (Political)
41264 GOP plot in New York against re-election bid by Lindsay 02/24/1969 10:01 New York (City)
41265 GOP ponders how to remap the state into safe Representative districts. 02/15/1971 10:04 Apportionment (Election Law)
41266 GOP program, August 6 08/06/1968 3:06 National Conventions (Political)
41267 GOP rams through reapportion plan, House votes to trim size of assembly. 01/26/1967 1:01 Apportionment (Election Law)
41268 GOP rank-file prefer Mr. Nixon 5-to-2 over Governor Rockefeller. 07/28/1968 1G:7 Presidential Candidates
41269 GOP rejected plank that recommended prohibiting any school from having an e 06/06/1968 1:01 Public Schools - Desegregation
41270 GOP Senate candidates clash on television, D. Stanley, G. Milligan differ o 05/13/1974 1:06 Candidates, Political
41271 GOP sheriff nominees viewed as close race, Polk County 07/20/1972 11:02 Candidates, Political
41272 GOP show called 'failure' 08/13/1968 4:04 National Conventions (Political)
41273 GOP slashes bills from priority list -- Iowa legislators move to reduce wor 05/29/1973 1:06 Iowa. General Assembly
41274 GOP squabble on transfer of Ames lab - Representative Scherle: Secretary Ha 04/14/1971 1:01 Scherle, William
41275 GOP State Senator John M. Walsh will seek Second United States Congressiona 10/29/1971 3:05 Candidates, Political
41276 GOP State Senator, V. Lisle, assails Republican Chairman J. Warren in truck 05/14/1969 1:07 Law - Iowa
41277 GOP thinks Johnson tougher foe than Robert Kennedy. 04/19/1967 2:06 Presidential Candidates
41278 GOP to reap benefits of President Nixon's visit to Europe 09/20/1970 1G:8 Nixon, Richard Milhous
41279 GOP to seek subdistricts. 02/08/1967 7:05 Apportionment (Election Law)
41280 GOP unit eyes candidates to head party for state. 07/19/1975 3:01 Republican Party