Articles Listings

Displaying 43961 - 43980 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
43961 Harris Survey finds 77 percent of Americans see Lieutenant Calley as scapeg 04/17/1971 5:06 Calley, William Laws, Junior
43962 Harris thinks income tax unjust 08/13/1975 6:03 Harris, Sydney
43963 Harris's "10 worsts" for 1970. 01/01/1971 6:04 Public Opinion Polls
43964 Harris's way to run an airline 05/13/1970 6:04 Airlines
43965 Harris's woe: Four children and telephone 05/23/1971 12T:6 Harris, Sydney
43966 Harrison E. Salisbury Iowa State University talk. 10/01/1967 2L:8 Salisbury, H.E.
43967 Harrison Hospital building is up for sale for $150,000. 01/31/1974 10:03 Alcoholism
43968 Harrison Rehabilitation and Treatment Center receives a fiscal reprieve. 10/11/1968 1:07 Alcoholism
43969 Harrison Treatment and Rehabilitation Center needs $67,000 if it is to surv 09/11/1968 7:04 Alcoholism
43970 Harrison Treatment Center source of funds is periled. 10/31/1971 7C:4 Alcoholism
43971 Harry Beardsley of West Des Moines, state McCarthy chairman, says New York 06/20/1968 7:05 McCarthy, Eugene
43972 Harry Beardsley urged the senator to come to Des Moines May 24 to address a 04/12/1968 4:02 McCarthy, Eugene
43973 Harry Bloomquist appointed to fill a vacancy on Board of Directors of Area 05/18/1968 5S:7 Junior Colleges
43974 Harry Byrd's seniority vexes Senator Hughes 11/25/1970 12:08 Hughes, Harold E.
43975 Harry Byrd's seniority vexes Senator Hughes. 11/25/1970 12:08 Byrd, Harry F.
43976 Harry Eastmen (Charles City) serving as kickoff speaker in series of 16 Sch 10/09/1968 7:01 Disasters
43977 Harry Edwards organizer of threatened boycott by black athletes of 1968 Oly 07/12/1968 1S:1 Negro Athletes
43978 Harry Edwards' racial crusade reaches Luther College, too. 04/08/1968 1S:3 Luther College
43979 Harry G. Slife honored by American Meat Institute. 10/28/1970 3S:8 Meat Industry and Trade
43980 Harry G. Slife is named president of Black Hawk Broadcasting Company. 03/14/1975 6:02 Radio Broadcasting and Television