Articles Listings

Displaying 44061 - 44080 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
44061 Has United States lost desire to be world's dominant power? 04/15/1969 12:04 United States -- Foreign Relations
44062 Hassle over post-freeze policy seen by Senator Jack Miller, Des Moines, Sep 09/16/1971 15:04 Price Regulation by Government
44063 Hassle over post-freeze policy seen by Senator Jack Miller, Des Moines, Sep 09/16/1971 15:04 Miller, Jack
44064 Hassle over purchase of billboards. 09/18/1972 3:05 Billboards
44065 Haste and secrecy in lake deal 11/19/1970 6:01 Sierra Club
44066 Haste and secrecy in lake deal. 11/19/1970 6:01 Conservation
44067 Haste makes for waste, rush to adjourn 10/31/1966 14:01 United States Congress
44068 Hasty action on Alaska oil 05/21/1973 10:01 Gas, Natural - Pipelines
44069 Hasty, unwise action. 03/23/1974 6:01 Police
44070 Hatch Act reform 09/15/1968 10T:1 Government Employees
44071 Hatchery adding huge trout to streams 05/03/1970 7-Apr Fishes
44072 Hatchery sexor's work is delicate and dull, Elsworth. 02/21/1971 1L:3 Poultry
44073 Hatchet-men for hire. 10/14/1974 12:02 Rockefeller, Nelson Aldrich
44074 Haul Des Moines firemen into court. 05/01/1969 1:05 Strikes
44075 Haul firemen into court 05/01/1969 1:05 Firemen
44076 Hauling away life's debris. 01/12/1975 1A:6 Refuse and Refuse Disposal
44077 Haunting specter of deadlock. 11/04/1968 1:02 Presidents - United States - Elections
44078 Have spent $100,000 for the Wadena festival talent 07/29/1970 3:05 Music Festivals
44079 Have the recent bloody attacks by the Viet Cong in Vietnam changed your opi 02/11/1968 2L:2 Vietnam
44080 Have they found peace in a mountain cabin? 09/13/1970 1G:3 Standard of Living