Articles Listings

Displaying 6661 - 6680 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
6661 A retiring United States Marine Corps officer says in a book soon to be pub 07/01/1968 8:03 Vietnam
6662 A retreat from censorship. 01/28/1965 4:01 Censorship
6663 A return to Cold Water Cave - where time stands still. 01/26/1975 3A:1 Caves
6664 A reunion of war amputees October 2 and 3 at Mapes Hotel in Reno 09/13/1970 3T:8 Veterans
6665 A reunion of war amputees October 2 and 3 at Mapes Hotel in Reno. 09/13/1970 3T:8 Amputees
6666 A revealing trip to Russia - in search of heritage, Iowan finds more 04/15/1973 5 Foreign Visitors in Russia
6667 A revised report on the progress the State of Iowa is making toward equal h 05/13/1976 3A:1 Discrimination in Employment
6668 A revolt against American way of life, ideology 06/08/1967 10:04 United States -- Social Life and Customs
6669 A revolutionary created by the United States Luis Caamano leads the Dominic 09/16/1969 6:01 United States -- Foreign Relations
6670 A revolutionary created by the United States' Luis Caamano leads the Domini 09/16/1969 6:03 Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
6671 A revolutionary idea for Iowa farmers from Red China's Mao Tse-Tung 01/05/1969 1F:1 Farmers
6672 A revolutionary idea for Iowa farmers from Red China's Mao Tse-Tung. 01/05/1969 1F:1 Mao, Tse-Tung
6673 A revolutionist who failed. 10/12/1967 6:01 Guevara, Ernesto
6674 A rich cargo in 1865 steamboat wreck on Missouri River - two Omaha men thin 12/08/1968 1T:8 Treasure Trove
6675 A rich historical heritage and recreational asset; map of route, trail symb 09/06/1966 8:04 Lewis and Clark Expedition - Trail
6676 A rich nation - but do we spend our wealth wisely? 12/25/1968 10:04 Economic Conditions
6677 A rich suburb seeks diversity 08/06/1971 8:01 Discrimination in Housing
6678 A ridiculous dispute. 09/12/1970 6:01 Congressmen
6679 A ridiculous dispute. 09/12/1970 6:01 Kyl, John
6680 A ridiculous pileup of cans 07/22/1971 6:01 Environment