Articles Listings

Displaying 6681 - 6700 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
6681 A right to sell obscene material? 05/17/1970 8T:1 Justice, Administration Of
6682 A right to sell obscene material? 05/17/1970 8T:1 Immoral Literature and Pictures
6683 A right to spend? 09/07/1975 1B:1 Campaign Funds
6684 A riot control squad of sheriff's deputies should be trained by spring. 01/13/1968 8:05 Law Enforcement - Iowa
6685 A rise in Indian suicides--10 times higher than United States 04/14/1968 3T:1 Indians of North America
6686 A risky Asian ally 07/24/1970 4:01 United States -- Foreign Relations
6687 A risky Asian ally. 07/24/1970 4:01 Taiwan
6688 A risky moral relativism 05/12/1972 10:05 Harris, Sydney
6689 A rock festival mipped 08/16/1970 10T:1 Music Festivals
6690 A rogation Sunday prayer. 05/16/1971 8T:1 Prayers
6691 A Roman Catholic priest apologized for saying "Sock it to 'em, God," in a h 06/05/1968 1:07 Priests
6692 A Roman Catholic priest led a memorial service for Senator Kennedy - annual 06/07/1968 17:01 Kennedy, Robert Francis
6693 A Roman Catholic priest led a memorial service for Senator Kennedy at annua 06/07/1968 17:01 Religious Conferences
6694 A romantic approach to Liszt score by Iowa State University (ISU) Professor 09/15/1969 9:01 College Professors and Instructors
6695 A romantic approach to Liszt score by Iowa State University Professor Eugen 09/15/1969 9:01 Philharmonic--Symphony Society of New York
6696 A rounded health care system. 05/30/1972 6:01 Medical Service
6697 A rubber snake puts Iowa teacher in hospital, Mrs. Isabelle Johnson, forty- 05/03/1974 1:01 Teachers
6698 A rural dip in Northeast Iowa 05/07/1970 1:04 United States - Census
6699 A Russian czar heard 'Silent Night' by chance 12/23/1968 10:03 Music
6700 A Russian czar heard 'Silent Night' by chance. 12/23/1968 10:03 Christmas