Articles Listings

Displaying 7541 - 7560 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
7541 Accord seen on farm bill. 09/23/1970 15:08 Agriculture
7542 Accord told on pollution, Colesburg. 11/21/1969 5S:5 Water Pollution
7543 Accord with Cedar Rapids strikers 10/02/1969 8:01 Strikes
7544 According to a state audit, Guthrie County Sheriff Leslie Petersen has coll 12/03/1975 3A:1 Police
7545 According to Doctor (Dr.) W. C. Miller, president, Drake University's prima 10/27/1973 14:02 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
7546 According to Iowa Farm Bureau, most county officials believe they need inde 09/11/1968 8:01 County Government
7547 According to Iowa Farm Bureau, most county officials believe they need inde 09/11/1968 8:01 Iowa Farm Bureau Federation
7548 According to Jacob Freid, Iowa leads the nation in programs for rehabilitat 06/02/1968 2L:1 Blind
7549 According to Lawrence Putney, public welfare departments should make birth 04/28/1965 1:03 Birth Control
7550 According to Lawrence Putney, public welfare departments should make birth 04/28/1965 1:03 Social Welfare
7551 According to Leon Kirchner, Pulitzer Prize winner and visiting composer at 02/22/1968 3:06 Music
7552 According to reaserch by two Iowa meteorologists the direct movement of a t 04/07/1975 1:05 Tornadoes
7553 According to State Secretary M.D. Synhorst, the names of 9 certified candid 09/02/1968 3:05 Presidential Candidates
7554 According to the current issue of "School Management," public school system 08/15/1968 22:06 Venereal Diseases
7555 According to the Defense Department, 27,509 American soldiers have been kil 09/06/1968 4:02 Vietnam
7556 According to the editor, "dirty words" will now be spelled out in full in I 02/08/1969 1:07 Obscenity (Law)
7557 According to the editor, "dirty words" will now be spelled out in full in I 02/08/1969 1:07 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
7558 According to W. B. Monney, Waverly attorney, plans are being made to establ 05/21/1972 2B:1 Drugs
7559 Accountability to patients 04/24/1972 8:01 Insurance, Health
7560 Accountability to patients. 04/24/1972 8:01 Medical Service