Articles Listings

Displaying 7621 - 7640 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
7621 Acquire Thomas Hart Benton painting for MacNider Museum. 04/11/1971 3T:5 Benton, Thomas Hart
7622 Acquired firm's chief named to head Needham 04/11/1970 13:05 Meat Industry and Trade
7623 Acquired firm's chief named to head Needham 04/11/1970 13:05 Stock Exchange
7624 Acquit birth pill in death. 05/21/1969 1:04 Birth Control
7625 Acquit blacks in Iowa State University (ISU) protest. 05/22/1970 28:02:00 Race Problems
7626 Acquit blacks in Iowa State University protest 05/22/1970 28:02:00 Justice, Administration Of
7627 Acquit blacks in Iowa State University protest 05/22/1970 28:02:00 Negro Students
7628 Acquit L. Winkel of tax evasion, Fort Dodge 03/29/1970 2L:1 Tax Evasion
7629 Acquital at Selma. 12/15/1965 10:01 Civil Rights Workers
7630 Acquittal of Angela Davis 06/06/1972 6:01 Justice, Administration Of
7631 Acquittal of Angela Davis. 06/06/1972 6:01 Davis, Angela
7632 Acquitted on child labor. 10/11/1967 1:02 Migrant Labor
7633 Acreage cutback plans cited at Iowa grass-roots meeting. 04/11/1975 7:01 Agriculture
7634 Act again on Des Moines housing code 08/19/1969 1:05 Housing
7635 Act of Congress needed for Iowa church broadcasts. 09/13/1973 3:02 Radio Broadcasting
7636 Act on $89.4 million budget for 3 Iowa Universities. 04/24/1969 3:06 Law - Iowa
7637 Act on $89.4 million budget for three Iowa Universities. 04/24/1969 3:06 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
7638 Act on budget for Des Moines schools. 06/16/1971 1:05 School Finance
7639 Act on cases in disorders at Iowa City 05/27/1971 15:01 Justice, Administration Of
7640 Act on cheating at University of Nebraska. 12/11/1968 2:08 Cheating