Articles Listings

Displaying 7821 - 7840 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
7821 Addresses of Internal Revenue Service offices in Iowa handling queries abou 08/21/1971 1:01 United States Internal Revenue Service
7822 Adds 8 new courses (name and description of each). 09/01/1968 2L:2 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
7823 Adds bombing, arson to bill on wiretaps 02/17/1970 1:04 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
7824 Adds new line. 03/05/1970 4S:4 Maytag Company
7825 Adds three percent tax to price of baled hay 11/05/1967 12T:1 Taxation
7826 Adel ouster of teacher is upheld 04/12/1972 10:01 Teachers
7827 Adel youth charged with possession of narcotics declines to leave Clinton C 09/10/1969 1:03 Prisoners
7828 Adenauer aura transcends death. 05/05/1967 5:01 Adenauer, Konrad
7829 Adequate health care is costly 04/12/1971 8:01 Insurance, Health
7830 Adequate Shakespeare at Guthrie 03/01/1972 7:01 Minneapolis - Theater
7831 Adjourn in tax tangle 05/20/1969 3:01 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
7832 Adjourn Iowa House in tax tangle 05/20/1969 3:01 Taxation
7833 Adjourned March 12 for annual spring recess--lawmakers will return to Des M 03/13/1971 1:01 Iowa. General Assembly
7834 Adjournment hopes fade 04/07/1970 10:03 Iowa. General Assembly
7835 Adjournment nears 06/20/1967 6:01 Iowa. General Assembly
7836 Adjourns early for lack of a quorum 04/22/1967 18:07 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate
7837 Adjusted unemployment insurance payments to Iowans in January was a record 02/14/1975 10:01 Insurance, Unemployment
7838 Adjusting Iowa tax burdens. 11/20/1970 22:01 Property Tax
7839 Adjusting property assessments. 11/10/1967 14:01 Property Tax
7840 Adjusting school to child 07/30/1971 16:04 Harris, Sydney