Articles Listings

Displaying 7921 - 7940 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
7921 Adopt area three school plan 10/29/1966 6:08 Vocational Education
7922 Adopt area three school plan 10/29/1966 6:08 Junior Colleges
7923 Adopt longer school day in Dubuque. 08/11/1967 12:06 Public Schools
7924 Adopt new 4-H Iowa emblem 06/13/1969 12:05
7925 Adopt plan enabling more University of Iowa law students 04/14/1972 3:01 Iowa. State Board of Regents
7926 Adopt special regulations for homes caring for children. 11/11/1965 7:01 Nursing Homes
7927 Adopt-A-Grandparent program at Vermillion 10/11/1970 6T:4 Aged
7928 Adopting children of unwed fathers. 04/11/1973 10:01 Adoption
7929 Adoption agencies are down to "hard core" unadoptables. 09/06/1971 11:01 Adoption
7930 Adoption agencies focus on handicapped children. 09/07/1971 9:01 Adoption
7931 Adoption crisis: Few babies available in Iowa. 09/05/1971 1E:1 Adoption
7932 Adoption of national welfare standards to eliminate discrepancies among sta 02/04/1969 2:07 Social Welfare
7933 Adoption of President's Family Planning recommendations is urged by Iowa Pl 01/10/1969 8:08 Birth Control
7934 Adoption Resources Exchange of North America seeks homes for minority orpha 06/08/1968 4:01 Adoption
7935 Adoptions by the unmarried in Iowa? 06/18/1967 8W:2 Adoption
7936 Adoptions now subsidized--hard-to-place children. 12/26/1971 1C:4 Adoption
7937 Adoptions that are revoked. 12/22/1971 8:01 Child Custody (Law)
7938 Adoptions that are revoked. 12/22/1971 8:01 Adoption
7939 Adopts a gift and estate planning program for giving to higher education. 11/22/1970 5T:8 Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa
7940 Adopts resolution asking Governor Ray to designate March 21-27 as "Iow 03/03/1971 4:04 Iowa. General Assembly. Senate