Articles Listings

Displaying 8121 - 8140 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8121 After complaints, state stocks 15 more wines 05/12/1970 1:02 Wine
8122 After conducting his first class in African-American history at Bryn Mawr C 09/18/1969 2:05 Aptheker, Herbert
8123 After conducting his first class in Afro-American history at Bryn Mawr Coll 09/18/1969 2:05 Racism
8124 After court bans direct state help--new efforts to get parochial school aid 07/18/1971 10T:3 Parochial Schools - Federal Aid
8125 After debate, the Iowa Water Quality Commission approves extending the dead 10/23/1975 9A:1 Water Pollution
8126 After disengagement. 06/09/1974 1B:1 Middle East
8127 After divorce - a battle in court over child support. 11/18/1970 11:01 Child Custody (Law)
8128 After divorce - a battle in court over child support. 11/18/1970 11:01 Divorce
8129 After ejecting reporters, the National Council of Students for Democratic S 10/13/1968 1G:4 Students for a Democratic Society
8130 After fifty exciding years, casts, crews take a bow 09/27/1968 1:06 Theater - Community and Little Theater Movement
8131 After fourteen hours of deliberation, the Iowa House Education Committee ap 02/18/1976 2B:6 Teachers
8132 After gloom and cold, Indian summer arrives 11/07/1970 1:05 Weather
8133 After Ho: 'No new policy but a loss in impetus' 09/17/1969 8:04 Vietnam (Democratic Republic)
8134 After meeting with Governor Hughes, Police Chief Douglas invited John Este 04/26/1968 1:01 Discrimination
8135 After months of frustration, Donald James Gibbs, 19, of West Des Moines, de 11/07/1975 3A:7 Insurance, Social -- United States
8136 After nine accidents, cut Interstate speed to forty 05/19/1968 3T:1 Traffic Accidents
8137 After nine months, Des Moines council approves cable television firm. 03/24/1973 1:03 Cable Television (CATV) System
8138 After rebuke, State Senator L. Andersen is glad tax bill passed. 04/04/1976 16A:3 Property Tax
8139 After row, sixty-three quit Corps in Nebraska 08/04/1967 22:05 United States Job Corps
8140 After serving eighteen years of a life sentence, Almer M. Anderson has aske 07/16/1972 1C:3 Trials (Murder)