Articles Listings

Displaying 12121 - 12140 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
12121 Asks 5-25 percent pay cut for staff. 06/22/1967 1:04 Parsons College
12122 Asks 5-day week for courthouses 02/09/1967 10:08 Courthouses
12123 Asks 68 percent rise in serviceman pay 05/21/1971 4S:8 Hughes, Harold E.
12124 Asks a study of Negro, White IQ 05/01/1967 10:01 Intelligence Quotient
12125 Asks action on Bertrand. 05/11/1971 13:04 Scherle, William
12126 Asks action on highway deaths. 10/30/1966 3L:8 Murray, William G.
12127 Asks action, not talk, to discourage bias. 11/30/1966 13:06 Discrimination
12128 Asks active prosecution of Adam Clayton Powell. 04/14/1967 2:03 Gross, Harold Royce
12129 Asks aid cutoff to halt heroin 06/12/1971 3S:7 Hughes, Harold E.
12130 Asks aid in ending apathy toward tornado warning 03/26/1971 3:06 Tornadoes
12131 Asks anti-war stand; hints third party 05/06/1970 10:04 McCarthy, Eugene
12132 Asks appeal of abortion laws. 02/14/1970 7:07 Planned Parenthood of Iowa
12133 Asks Asian cease-fire in a 5-point plan for peace 10/08/1970 1:08 Nixon, Richard Milhous
12134 Asks better motorist-aid plan on Iowa interstates. 09/17/1969 6:03 Roads - Iowa
12135 Asks big boost in student aid 12/03/1970 3:01 Iowa. Higher Education Facilities Commission
12136 Asks Bluffs bike route to Omaha. 07/07/1971 7:01 Bicycling
12137 Asks bonds for classrooms 01/18/1967 6:01 Iowa. State Board of Regents
12138 Asks boost in cattle prices; election of officers. 12/23/1965 3S:7 National Farmers Organization
12139 Asks bricklayer probe by international president of Brotherhood of Sleeping 04/06/1967 3:03 Discrimination in Employment
12140 Asks campus curb on Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) 11/09/1970 15:07 McGovern, George S.