Articles Listings

Displaying 12261 - 12280 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
12261 Asks use of surplus funds to cut taxes. 08/10/1966 12:08 Beck, Robert K.
12262 Asks veto as act of moral courage. 03/14/1970 6:06 Wire Tapping
12263 Asks views on dam for Iowa River. 05/18/1971 16:02 Rivers
12264 Asks wait-and-see attitude on university disorders. 05/06/1969 12:04 Colleges and Universities
12265 Asks war on trucks that violate law 04/18/1967 1:01 Trucks
12266 Asks Washington D. C. statehood 06/17/1971 22:05 Schwengel, Fred
12267 Asks welfare for needy under federal standards 03/06/1969 6:04 National Association of Social Workers
12268 Asks young to stay in Iowa. 10/15/1968 15:07 Ray, Robert D.
12269 Asks, gets "must" book list from D. P. Moynihan. 03/28/1971 3G:4 Nixon, Richard Milhous
12270 Asks: "Is it good for children?" Guideposts for living in today's world 01/03/1971 p:4 Knebel, Fletcher
12271 Asks: Give unwed mothers a choice 10/19/1970 14:03 Mothers, Unmarried
12272 Asks: weigh value of parochial schools. 05/12/1969 14:03 Parochial Schools
12273 Asks: be tougher on protests 05/16/1970 1:01 Turner, Richard
12274 Asks: Keep sports off Senate floor 02/07/1970 6:03 Sports
12275 Asks: Keep sports off Senate floor 02/07/1970 6:03 Iowa. University, Iowa City
12276 Asks: Restore agricultural conservation funds. 12/04/1970 8:02 Mayne, Wiley
12277 Asphalt suit appeal denied 01/09/1970 4:07 State Finance
12278 Asphalt suit appeal denied 01/09/1970 4:07 Justice, Administration Of
12279 Asphalt suit appeal denied. 01/09/1970 4:07 Price Maintenance by Industry
12280 Aspiring writer defends Famous Writers School 07/12/1970 7T:2 Writers