Articles Listings

Displaying 12441 - 12460 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
12441 Assistant police chief Harold U. Fryman, retires, Des Moines. 01/03/1974 3:01 Police
12442 Assistant State Fire Marshall Hentges warns of fire hazards of television s 07/12/1969 5:02 Fire Protection
12443 Assistant to doctor eases patient load, Dysart 11/15/1970 1L:1 Physicians
12444 Assistant United States Secretary of Agriculture, Clayton Yeutter prods Iow 08/28/1973 1:02 Veterinary Medicine
12445 Associate conductor gives powerful performance. 03/12/1972 1B:4 Boston Symphony Orchestra
12446 Associate District Judge Luther Glanton in 'streaker' case calls city law t 03/29/1974 1:04 College Students Fads
12447 Associate District Judge Luther T. Glanton, Jr., says a special task force 07/25/1973 3:01 Justice, Administration Of
12448 Associate District Judge Luther T. Glanton: Des Moines indecency law is unc 04/03/1974 1:06 College Students Fads
12449 Associated General Contractors of Iowa presents scholarship awards to four 06/08/1969 5T:1 Scholarships and Fellowships
12450 Associated Press awards to Iowa newsmen 05/27/1967 7:03 Journalism
12451 Associated Press finds dress code on wane in most public schools. 09/04/1970 7:02 Clothing and Dress
12452 Association for Education in Journalism elects University of Iowa (U of I), 08/28/1969 12:04 College Professors and Instructors
12453 Association of Chicago Priests urges allowing priests to wed. 04/09/1970 9:07 Priests
12454 Association of Education in Journalism elects University of Iowa, Professor 08/28/1969 12:04 Journalism
12455 Association of Iowa College Presidents will meet September 21 and 22 - Doct 09/20/1969 6S:4 Association of Iowa College Presidents
12456 Association of Theological Faculties in Iowa co-operates in studies leading 03/19/1966 8:03 Religious Cooperation
12457 Assualt on food program 10/25/1975 12A:1 Food Relief - United States
12458 Assumption High School Board announces it will increase tuition by $100 nex 02/07/1969 13:05 Parochial Schools
12459 Assumption High School students organize in effort to raise funds for needy 02/08/1969 7:08 Parochial Schools
12460 Assurance on food stamps 08/27/1969 6:01 Social Welfare