Articles Listings

Displaying 17181 - 17200 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
17181 C. R. Bickerstaff, athletic director at Iowa State University, prescribes ' 05/04/1969 3L:3 Physicians
17182 C. R. Bickerstaff, Athletic Director at Iowa State University, prescribes ' 05/04/1969 3L:3 Health
17183 C. R. Mollenhoff defends high court nominee, C. F. Haynsworth 11/09/1969 3L:4 Judges
17184 C. R. O. P. drive in Calhoun County. 06/21/1970 8T:2 Christian Rural Overseas Program
17185 C. Rassmussen in race for Governor of Iowa 11/09/1973 16:01 Candidates, Political
17186 C. Rassmussen: foes favor elite groups 05/27/1974 6S:8 Candidates, Political
17187 C. Rembar, author of "The End of Obscenity" speaks at Iowa State University 02/08/1970 3T:4 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
17188 C. Rembar, author of "The End of Obscenity," speaks at Iowa State Universit 02/08/1970 4T:4 Immoral Literature and Pictures
17189 C. Reynolds, 79, dies in California - founder of the University of Iowa jou 02/20/1971 10:01 College Professors and Instructors
17190 C. Riordan, Norwalk, is president of freshman class at Northwest Missouri S 10/25/1970 9T:1 College Students
17191 C. Robert Billings, athletic trainer at Iowa State University, resigns to a 08/28/1968 1S:3 College Professors and Instructors
17192 C. Roberts, candidate for Polk County attorney demands jury probe of how Hi 09/17/1970 11:02 Public Officers - Salaries, Allowances, Etc.
17193 C. Roberts, candidate for Polk County Attorney, demands jury probe of how H 09/17/1970 11:02 Candidates, Political
17194 C. Robinson, 6, drowns in Ottumwa pool. 07/21/1970 5:05 Drowning
17195 C. Robinson, M. Synhorst vie to be Secretary of the State of Iowa. 10/12/1974 4S:5 Candidates, Political
17196 C. S. Whitney is retiring as school head 07/13/1969 3T:1 School Superintendents and Principals
17197 C. Schuckman of Hawkeye is elected president of Iowa's 11-county Second Dis 08/11/1969 15:02 National Farmers Organization
17198 C. Sheridan is voting delegate of Hawkeye Chapter at annual convention of N 07/12/1970 8T:1 Office Workers
17199 C. Sklar is appointed business manager of Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra a 09/04/1970 10:04 College Professors and Instructors
17200 C. Sklar is appointed business manager of Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra a 09/04/1970 10:04 Music