Articles Listings

Displaying 17321 - 17340 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
17321 California State College Chancellor G. Dumke denies tenure to Associate Pro 07/29/1970 6:01 College Professors and Instructors
17322 California State Department of Education sets evolution as a theory for pub 11/14/1969 2:07 Public Schools
17323 California State Department of Education sets evolution as theory for publi 11/14/1969 2:07 Evolution
17324 California Students for Kennedy has officially disbanded but one leader ann 06/14/1968 9:02 College Students
17325 California Students for Kennedy has officially disbanded, but one leader an 06/14/1968 9:02 Kennedy, Robert Francis
17326 California sues fired college professor for $82,569 02/28/1971 1G:2 Actions And Defenses
17327 California sues fired college professor for $82,569. 02/28/1971 1G:2 College Professors and Instructors
17328 California Superior Court rules that University of California regents' dism 10/22/1969 12:03 College Professors and Instructors
17329 California Superior Court rules that University of California regents' dism 10/22/1969 12:03 Communism
17330 California the crucial primary. 05/18/1972 10:01 Presidential Candidates
17331 California the crucial primary. 05/18/1972 10:01 Primaries
17332 California the crucial primary. 05/18/1972 10:01 Democratic Party
17333 California unit opposes busing. 03/14/1970 11:01 Public Schools - Desegregation
17334 California University leftists continue. 10/01/1965 16:01 Colleges and Universities
17335 California victims of violence law, officials reluctant to give aid 01/02/1966 13G:1 Justice, Administration Of
17336 California victory for the Right Wing. 06/09/1966 6:01 Reagan, Ronald
17337 California victory for the Right Wing. 06/09/1966 6:01 Right and Left (Political Science)
17338 California votes on using road tax for mass transit. 11/01/1970 1G:5 Roads
17339 California war protesters pelt President Nixon's car with eggs. 10/30/1970 1:04 Nixon, Richard Milhous
17340 California's Governor Reagan congratulates Doctor (Dr.) S.I. Hayakawa after 07/11/1969 2:01 College Presidents