Articles Listings

Displaying 17941 - 17960 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
17941 Candidates differ on qualifications of elected, appointed judges 10/15/1971 11:01 Judges
17942 Candidates differ over billboards 10/16/1967 1:06 Municipal Government
17943 Candidates differ over billboards 10/16/1967 1:06 Des Moines, Iowa
17944 Candidates favored by the Reds. 10/15/1972 10C:1 Presidential Candidates
17945 Candidates file nomination papers for Polk County offices. 06/10/1972 3:06 Candidates, Political
17946 Candidates for boards of supervisors are worried their districts be changed 04/04/1968 10:01 Apportionment (Election Law)
17947 Candidates for Congress from Iowa tell views on issues 07/16/1972 4B:1 Candidates, Political
17948 Candidates for congressional, state and legislature nominations in June 2 p 02/08/1970 5T:2 Candidates, Political
17949 Candidates for Democratic nominee for governor favors legal marijuana. 11/16/1971 12:03 Candidates, Political
17950 Candidates for Des Moines municipal judge comment on congestion in court 10/14/1971 3:01 Judges
17951 Candidates for govenor talk about crime, violence. 09/20/1970 6L:1 American Independent Party
17952 Candidates for Governor address state employees 10/01/1972 5B:7 Candidates, Political
17953 Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor will state positions on edu 10/29/1971 3:03 Candidates, Political
17954 Candidates for governor clash over treasury funds 09/30/1968 15:01 State Finance
17955 Candidates for governor clash over treasury funds. 09/30/1968 15:01 Candidates, Political
17956 Candidates for governor debate taxes - Governor Ray, P. Franzenburg, R. Dil 10/24/1972 1:05 Candidates, Political
17957 Candidates for governor discuss gambling views 10/17/1966 16:01 Gambling
17958 Candidates for governor discuss gambling views 10/17/1966 16:01 Hughes, Harold E.
17959 Candidates for governor discuss gambling views. 10/17/1966 16:01 Murray, William G.
17960 Candidates for governor give minimum-pay views 10/24/1966 18:03 Wages