Articles Listings

Displaying 18041 - 18060 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
18041 Capricious music, art hit by pope 05/25/1970 2:06 Music
18042 Capricious music, art hit by pope. 05/25/1970 2:06 Art
18043 Capricious music, art hit by Pope. 05/25/1970 2:06 Paul VI, Pope
18044 Captain Betty Erickson of Winterset serves in the 3rd Field Hospital in Sai 09/13/1970 4T:5 Military Service
18045 Captain Betty Erickson of Winterset serves in the 3rd Field Hospital in Sai 09/13/1970 4T:5 Nurses and Nursing
18046 Captain Bligh, er, Bodisch staves off first mutiny. 11/03/1974 1A:7 Boats and Boating
18047 Captain Bruce S. McKenna will speak on "Careers in the United States Marine 04/15/1968 15:05 United States Marine Corps
18048 Captain Bruce S. McKenna will speak on 'Careers in the United States Marine 04/15/1968 15:05 Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
18049 Captain Charles E. Safris, Des Moines, is awarded a Bronze Star 03/17/1969 13:05 Medals
18050 Captain Charles Robb is nearing the end of his tour of frontline combat dut 08/02/1968 2:05 United States Marine Corps
18051 Captain Charles S. Robb II to be promoted to major 10/23/1968 1:08 United States Marine Corps
18052 Captain Charles S. Robb Vietnam-bound 03/31/1968 5G:2 United States Marine Corps
18053 Captain D. A. Hansen is first permanent member of Parsons newly formed Air 05/09/1971 10T:3 Parsons College
18054 Captain Dean A. Hansen is first permanent member of Parsons College's newly 05/09/1971 10T:3 United States Reserve Officers Training Corps
18055 Captain Garry W. Mitchell, professor at Drake University, receives Air Forc 10/17/1968 3:01 Medals
18056 Captain Herbert A. Lichtenberger of Des Moines recently returned after a ye 09/28/1968 20:07 Vietnam
18057 Captain Howard B. Quoyoon is appointed executive director of Volunteers of 11/30/1969 2L:3 Volunteer Service
18058 Captain J. Ray Gorlinsky, 27, Iowa Air National Guard pilot, killed June 13 06/14/1971 3:05 Aviation - Accidents
18059 Captain Joan L. Jensen, Army nurse, and Captain James H. Galey were married 04/02/1968 20:03 Weddings
18060 Captain John M. Haley nicknamed Red Baron, departs for active duty 05/15/1968 1:06 Iowa--National Guard