Articles Listings

Displaying 18261 - 18280 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
18261 Case for 'loyal opposition' in Congress 12/22/1968 8T:3 United States Congress
18262 Case for 'real' television violence 02/01/1970 10T:6 Violence
18263 Case for a unilateral suspension of bombing 02/04/1967 4:04 Vietnam
18264 Case for and against mobile classrooms. 11/07/1965 pp. 4-5, 7 Public Schools
18265 Case for book censorship, British writer Pamela Hansford Johnson questions 03/05/1967 1G:6 Censorship
18266 Case for comprehensive child care. Day Nurseries
18267 Case for Dewey as best choice for Chief Justice 03/22/1969 6:04 United States Supreme Court
18268 Case for lockstep teacher pay 05/19/1970 6:04 Teachers - Salaries
18269 Case for more competition in banking. 02/02/1969 6T:3 Banks and Banking
18270 Case for political compromise in Vietnam 04/06/1969 6T:3 Vietnam
18271 Case for staying in Vietnam to 'save' southeast Asia 01/06/1969 8:03 Vietnam
18272 Case of the missing tapes 11/02/1973 6:01 Watergate Incident, 1972
18273 Case pending despite zip 07/24/1970 13:08 Mail Handling
18274 Case pending despite zip 07/24/1970 13:08 Actions And Defenses
18275 Case pending despite zip. 07/24/1970 13:08 Cornell College, Mt. Vernon, Iowa
18276 Casein paintings by J. Lechay are subjects of exhibition at Waterloo Munici 11/15/1970 2L:2 Lechay, James
18277 Casein paintings by J. Lechay are subjects of exhibition at Waterloo Munici 11/15/1970 2L:2 Art - Exhibitions
18278 Cases decreased nearly 15% in 1966 in Des Moines. 01/16/1967 1:03 Juvenile Delinquency
18279 Cases of flu found in Iowa 01/27/1970 5:02 Influenza
18280 Cash awards to informers on polluters - United States urges Iowa to use old 06/08/1970 1:04 Water Pollution