Articles Listings

Displaying 20921 - 20940 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
20921 Claims real Harlan issue is obscured. 10/11/1966 8:01 Strikes
20922 Claims rebelling youth mirror adults' world 10/23/1965 3:02 Youth
20923 Claims recent program boosts income. 10/13/1965 13:02 National Farmers Organization
20924 Claims rights legislation deferred until after Vietnam in Des Moines speech 06/14/1967 12:03 Civil Rights
20925 Claims rights unit exceeded authority in rehiring order 04/03/1973 16:02 Woman - Employment - Equal Rights
20926 Claims Ripon analysis an aid for Governor Ray 08/31/1971 6:02 Jepsen, Roger
20927 Claims Sheriff Hildreth approved weapon for Des Moines felon, Edward Peters 11/21/1972 1:03 Firearms
20928 Claims sick leave to have baby 04/22/1967 4:08 Teachers
20929 Claims siltation worse problem than feedlot run-off 01/19/1969 1F:1 Water Pollution
20930 Claims Snick has left Civil Rights movement 05/26/1966 24:03:00 Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee
20931 Claims students 'hooked'; arsenic and old waste 02/17/1968 1:04 Air Pollution
20932 Claims Students for a Democratic Society not representative 06/08/1969 9T:1 Students for a Democratic Society
20933 Claims United States crop insurance corporation is 'robbing Peter to Paul' 04/19/1970 1F:5 Insurance, Agriculture
20934 Claims United States lured mailing of girlie magazines to Iowa. 11/02/1965 10:04 Censorship
20935 Claire G. Ely plans to retire August 1. 06/28/1970 3F:7 Maytag Company
20936 Claire grant new Drake golf coach. 06/12/1971 3S:5 College Professors and Instructors
20937 Clairvoyant predicts "return" of the lost continent 12/18/1966 This Week, p. 8+ Atlantis
20938 Clairvoyants aid police in slaying. 02/09/1968 12:01 College Students
20939 Clam restored, curfew lifted, Miami 06/20/1970 8:08 Violence
20940 Clambake launches Iowa caravan 05/15/1967 13:01 Tourist Trade