Articles Listings

Displaying 21001 - 21020 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
21001 Clark Rassmussen: state policy on speeders dangerous 05/09/1974 12:04 Candidates, Political
21002 Clark Van Nostrand holds Iowa Commerce Commission job temporarily 09/09/1971 20:04 Government Employees
21003 Clark: Learning secrets can handicap Congress. 02/06/1976 16A:3 Clark, Richard C.
21004 Clarke and Keokuk counties showed population losses in the last 10 years. 05/20/1960 7:03 Population
21005 Clarke and Loras students to be ambassadors of song behind Iron Curtain. 05/17/1972 11:01 College Students
21006 Clarke College - The case for diversity and challenge. 03/31/1974 p. 4 Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa
21007 Clarke College and New Catholicism. 05/17/1967 8:01 Catholic Church - Education
21008 Clarke County Sheriff Candidate will be fired from job, Fred Baker, 30 10/04/1972 11:01 Candidates, Political
21009 Clarke girls to entertain in the Arctic. 07/30/1967 pp. 20-21 Clarke College, Dubuque, Iowa
21010 Clarke retires honor system. 05/24/1967 6:08 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
21011 Clarke-Loras singers abroad - will give concerts in nine cities and compete 06/14/1970 7L:1 College Students
21012 Clarksville, Iowa man cuts plenty of wood for furnace 01/25/1976 4C:4 Fuel Supply
21013 Clary Illian Vinson seeks a subtle beauty at the potter's wheel. 10/13/1968 pp. 16-17 Pottery
21014 Clash in House over condition of life in Iowa 01/13/1970 6:07 Iowa
21015 Clash in House over condition of life in Iowa 01/13/1970 6:07 Iowa. General Assembly. House of Representatives
21016 Clash on rise in truck fees 04/14/1967 1:05 Trucks
21017 Clash on state taxes 09/29/1972 16:01 Taxation
21018 Clash on state taxes. 09/29/1972 16:01 Political Campaigns
21019 Clash on United States Vietnam policy at Iowa Democratic platform hearing. 04/28/1970 4:07 Democratic Party
21020 Clash on United States Vietnam policy at Iowan Democratic platform hearing 04/28/1970 4:07 Vietnam