Articles Listings

Displaying 27821 - 27840 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
27821 Des Moines Park for motorcycle use approved by Board - the park may be used 05/15/1974 1:02 Motorcycles
27822 Des Moines parking rate areas 09/23/1969 11:01 Automobile Parking
27823 Des Moines Parks and Recreation Board member urges burying run-down gravest 07/09/1975 1:02 Cemeteries
27824 Des Moines Parks and Recreation Board votes to give Polk County sheriff can 05/12/1976 9A:2 Candidates, Political
27825 Des Moines passes 'anti-riot' law. 02/18/1969 1:06 Riots
27826 Des Moines patrolman testifies Black Panthers told to 'rise up' against pol 04/30/1969 3:01 Race Problems
27827 Des Moines patrolman testifies Black Panthers told to 'rise up' against pol 04/30/1969 3:01 Police
27828 Des Moines patrolmen are giving a 10-week course of training in judo for nu 10/22/1967 4T:3 Police
27829 Des Moines Peace Corps volunteer, David Carlson, will not receive a draft d 02/28/1969 1:08 Military Service, Compulsory
27830 Des Moines Peace Corps volunteer, David Carlson, will not receive a draft d 02/28/1969 1:08 United States Peace Corps
27831 Des Moines pediatrician warns mothers of impostor's obscene calls. 07/09/1969 1:07 Obscenity (Law)
27832 Des Moines pharmacist Marion E. Williams is found innocent by a federal cou 01/11/1974 3:01 Justice, Administration Of
27833 Des Moines pickets back grape strike 11/08/1969 6:07 Labor
27834 Des Moines plans "learning disability" classes for poor students 05/20/1970 4:01 Mentally Handicapped Children
27835 Des Moines plans 'learning disability' class for poor students 05/20/1970 4:01 Education - Iowa
27836 Des Moines plans penalties in drinking, accident case. 01/27/1970 1:03 Drinking and Traffic Accidents
27837 Des Moines plans purge of computer on suspects 09/08/1972 1:01 Crime and Criminals
27838 Des Moines plans several-weeks study on school racial imbalance 05/03/1967 7:02 Segregation in Education
27839 Des Moines plans to crack down on 'cracked-up' sidewalks. 05/20/1970 3:01 Municipal Improvement
27840 Des Moines plans to move slowly in enforcing curbs on signs. 06/20/1971 3L:1 Road Signs