Articles Listings

Displaying 27901 - 27920 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
27901 Des Moines policeman discharged for using "excessive force in making a lega 06/21/1969 1:08 Law Enforcement - Iowa
27902 Des Moines Policeman T.A Teale says special unit cuts crime ("Snowflake") 03/03/1975 1:06 Crime and Criminals
27903 Des Moines policeman works on sick leave, appeals suspension 01/28/1971 5:01 Police
27904 Des Moines policemen voted to withdraw from City Employees Joint Council. 09/16/1967 1:07 Police
27905 Des Moines Polk County Committee on Alcoholism plans to aid women seeking t 12/28/1969 6L:3 Alcoholism
27906 Des Moines Pollution control unit seeks increased power 07/13/1973 3:07 Municipal Government
27907 Des Moines pools open June 6 06/06/1970 1:02 Swimming Pools
27908 Des Moines Post Office job goes to Robert E. Gay 09/01/1970 4:03 Government Employees
27909 Des Moines post office plan hits snag. 04/10/1975 5:02 Public Buildings
27910 Des Moines post office to halt sale of savings stamps 05/27/1970 20:04 United States Post Office Department
27911 Des Moines Postmaster accused of coercsion in bonds drive 06/07/1966 1:04 United States Post Office Department
27912 Des Moines Power Squadron's sole purpose is to teach safe boating - it spon 08/04/1968 3L:3 Boats and Boating
27913 Des Moines priest bars article in magazine. 02/12/1968 1:02 Priests
27914 Des Moines primary election October 19. 10/19/1971 1:01 Primaries
27915 Des Moines printers quit federation; political tiff 07/31/1968 1:04 Labor Disputes
27916 Des Moines probes legal steps on dumping. 03/03/1970 1:01 Municipal Improvement
27917 Des Moines problem: how to use up $3,300 worth of DDT. 02/23/1969 1L:7 Pesticides
27918 Des Moines property sales increase. 10/12/1969 5L:5 Property
27919 Des Moines property tax 20th in United States - average $194 - median $136. 04/06/1969 1L:8 Property Tax
27920 Des Moines protest of abortion ruling urged. 01/27/1973 10:01 Abortion