Articles Listings

Displaying 28001 - 28020 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
28001 Des Moines School Board backs A. Davis for vacancy. 09/02/1970 1:01 School Boards
28002 Des Moines School Board backs down on closed-meeting vote. 08/07/1974 5:01 School Boards
28003 Des Moines School Board bars sale of plane pupils had rebuilt. 01/17/1968 4:01 Airplanes
28004 Des Moines School Board botes to allow teacher voice on policies. 11/08/1967 4:06 School Boards
28005 Des Moines School Board candidates answer key question - Would you favor th 09/05/1973 4:07 School Boards
28006 Des Moines School Board candidates view racial busing in schools. 09/02/1975 3:06 Candidates, Political
28007 Des Moines school board candidates views given - on sex education, busing, 09/05/1969 1:06 School Boards
28008 Des Moines School Board candidates' positions on discipline. 09/07/1973 15:02 School Boards
28009 Des Moines School Board candidates' views on junior high athletic funds. 09/05/1975 11:01 Candidates, Political
28010 Des Moines School Board cannot leagally use school buses to take voters to 05/10/1966 3:06 Voting
28011 Des Moines School Board decides to ask voters on November 19 for authority 09/25/1968 1:08 School Finance
28012 Des Moines School Board delays action of photographer controversy. 03/20/1974 6:01 Photography
28013 Des Moines School Board delays action on recommendation to close three elem 03/21/1973 1:05 Public Schools
28014 Des Moines School Board divides over whether the school district should ent 09/04/1974 1:01 Public Schools
28015 Des Moines School Board drops "open enrollment." 03/03/1971 1:01 Public Schools
28016 Des Moines school board election set for October 19. 09/22/1970 1:01 School Boards
28017 Des Moines school board election should cause no registration problems 09/23/1970 3:02 Voters, Registration of
28018 Des Moines School Board expels 7 students 12/18/1968 1:08 High School Students
28019 Des Moines School Board expels 7 students. 12/18/1968 1:08 Race Problems
28020 Des Moines School Board expresses favor for charette ideas. 04/23/1971 4:07 Public Schools