Articles Listings

Displaying 4681 - 4700 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
4681 61 percent in a poll back Mayor Daley. 09/01/1968 3G:8 Public Opinion Polls
4682 61 percent in a poll back Mayor Daley. 09/01/1968 3G:8 Daley, Richard Joseph
4683 61 percent of Iowans against Johnson on war 09/03/1967 8T:3 Johnson, Lyndon B.
4684 61 percent of Iowans against Johnson on war 09/03/1967 8T:3 Iowa Poll
4685 61 percent of members of Iowa High School Athletic Association who voted in 03/22/1969 1:01 Iowa High School Athletic Association
4686 61 percent oppose, 20 percent favor Cambodia bombing 07/15/1973 10C:3 Iowa Poll
4687 61 percent Oppose, 20 percent Favor Cambodia bombing. 07/15/1973 10C:3 Cambodia
4688 61 percent support rights of property owner 04/09/1967 26G:3 Discrimination in Housing
4689 61 percent support rights of property owner 04/09/1967 26G:3 Iowa Poll
4690 61% favor end to politics in choosing federal judges 04/07/1966 5:01 Judges
4691 61% of members of Iowa High School Athletic Association who voted in survey 03/22/1969 1:01 Beer
4692 62 at Grinnell resist draft. 04/04/1968 9:08 Military Service, Compulsory
4693 62 at Grinnell resist draft. 04/04/1968 9:08 Grinnell College, Grinnell, Iowa
4694 62 on Dean's list 02/15/1970 2T:6 William Penn College
4695 62 percent expect total Iowa tax bill to be higher 08/27/1967 6T:3 Iowa Poll
4696 62 percent support for President Nixon on war policies 11/30/1969 12T:6 Nixon, Richard Milhous
4697 62 percent support for President Nixon on war policies. 11/30/1969 12T:6 Iowa Poll
4698 62 scientists plead: no DDT. 06/05/1969 5:04 Pesticides
4699 62 students suspended after campus unrest, Prairie View A&M College, Texas. 03/07/1971 6G:8 College Students
4700 62-22 Senate 'no' curb on defoliant. 08/27/1970 1:07 Chemical and Biological Weapons