Articles Listings

Displaying 4901 - 4920 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
4901 78 species face extinction, first such listing for the United States govern 03/12/1967 2G:1 Birds
4902 78% support for Tapscott, by William Simbro, Linn County. 03/06/1972 9:03 Candidates, Political
4903 788th Air Force Radar Squadron 10/17/1965 4-5+ Waverly, Iowa
4904 79 osteopaths to be hooded. 06/02/1968 4T:2 Osteopaths
4905 79 percent against verdict--Gallup Organization 04/04/1971 4G:7 Calley, William Laws, Junior
4906 79 Vietnamese families in Iowa located by Lutherans. 08/09/1975 16:02 Refugees, Vietnamese
4907 790 couples wed at once in Korea 10/22/1970 6S:2 Weddings
4908 7th district foes oppose federal tax boost. 08/22/1966 4:01 Candidates, Political
4909 7th work by University of Iowa's Bourjaily, "Brill Among the Ruin" 11/29/1970 2T:5 Authors
4910 8 American Cancer Society planning meetings will be held in Iowa beginning 01/27/1969 18:03 Cancer
4911 8 are injured in explosion north of Des Moines 08/12/1969 1:06 Accidents
4912 8 Berets held in death of Vietnamese man - Major David E. Crew of Cedar Rap 08/06/1969 1:08 Vietnam
4913 8 Berets held in death of Vietnamese man- Major David E. Crew of Cedar Rapi 08/06/1969 1:08 Military Service
4914 8 bring presidential campaigns to Iowa. 10/25/1975 1A:5 Presidential Candidates
4915 8 cavort nude, disrupt Harvard. 03/11/1969 1:07 College Students
4916 8 charged at Iowa City 01/15/1970 7:03 Iowa. University, Iowa City
4917 8 Democratic hopefuls to Iowa dinner, October 25, 1975, Hilton Coliseum in 09/16/1975 7A:1 Presidential Candidates
4918 8 Des Moines Register staff members will be on hand at Democratic National 08/25/1968 4L:5 National Conventions (Political)
4919 8 die in New York from using heroin. 03/10/1970 13:01 Drugs
4920 8 dogs die in Shenandoah; police suspect poisoning. 01/29/1970 12:01 Dogs