Articles Listings

Displaying 4761 - 4780 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
4761 68 percent in poll uncritical of Senator Kennedy's action 08/04/1969 14:03 Kennedy, Edward Moore
4762 68 percent of Iowans approve President Nixon's performance 12/07/1969 12T:3 Nixon, Richard Milhous
4763 68 percent of Iowans approve President Nixon's performance. 12/07/1969 12T:3 Iowa Poll
4764 68 to Phi Beta Kappa at University of Iowa 02/01/1970 5T:1 Iowa. University, Iowa City
4765 68% feel trade mission will aid Iowa. 09/19/1965 20G:3 Business - Foreign Expansion
4766 68% of United States voters favor single national presidential primary. 02/26/1976 7A:5 Primaries
4767 69 million stand ready to tackle local problems. 03/16/1969 6G:4 Community Service
4768 69 work injuries at 18-year high 12/10/1970 4:04 Accidents, Industrial
4769 69, H. Thoden refuses to act his age. 05/11/1969 10L:1 Men
4770 69-million rise in world in a year. 07/31/1970 5:05 Population
4771 698 banking places in Iowa cities are required to install surveillance devi 01/27/1969 7:05 Banks and Banking
4772 6th District race: Representative Mayne campaigns in the old-fashioned mann 10/06/1970 16:02 Political Campaigns
4773 6th graders petition for movies they can see. 11/12/1969 6:01 Moving Picture Censorship
4774 7 at University of Iowa Viet rally say they turned in draft cards. 04/04/1968 3:03 Military Service, Compulsory
4775 7 billion people on earth by 2000. 01/02/1966 13G:4 Population
4776 7 blacks suspended at Waldorf College. 01/12/1970 1:02 Race Problems
4777 7 candidates for Iowa Legislature to talk at Drake University, October 13. 10/13/1970 3:05 Political Campaigns
4778 7 colors of diet pills work - but they also kill 09/02/1968 8:02 Diet
4779 7 counties approve ruling on benefits to widow 04/05/1970 9T:2 Workmens Compensation - Iowa
4780 7 Des Moines area high school seniors are named 05/02/1968 17:02 National Merit Scholarship Corporation