Articles Listings

Displaying 8461 - 8480 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8461 Aids bid for bill permitting prayers in public schools. 09/16/1971 9:05 Scherle, William
8462 Aids for veterans 03/12/1972 16C:1 Veterans
8463 Aids Iowa's bald ones 08/23/1970 1L:6 Transplantation Of Organs, Tissues, Et Cetera
8464 Aids to fight fast growing gonorrhea are developed 06/24/1970 10:04 Venereal Diseases
8465 Ailing budget bringing girls to Williams College. 09/22/1969 12:02 Colleges and Universities
8466 Ailing Cambodia. 06/24/1970 12:01 Cambodia
8467 Ailing federal system 04/02/1972 8C:1 Federal and State Relations
8468 Ailing Justice Douglas. 01/17/1975 6:01 Douglas, William Orville
8469 Ailing newscasts 'doctored' by Iowan, Frank Magid 06/16/1974 1A:3 Television Broadcasting
8470 Ailing, weary Clarence Pickard qiuts - the man in the silver pith helmet is 06/19/1976 1A:5 Bicycling
8471 Ailment risks tied to the 'pill'. 04/10/1969 4:04 Birth Control
8472 Aim at keeping workers in area, Creston 05/17/1970 2T:6 Labor
8473 Aim lasers over Chicago; scientists insist it's art 07/17/1970 3:05 Light Amplifiers
8474 AIM Leaders Program set, Iowa City, February 14-16 -- theme of the conferen 02/14/1974 8:02 Indians of North America -- Iowa
8475 Aim of religion: abolish itself. 11/03/1970 6:05 Religion
8476 AIM will act on resource exploitation 04/16/1974 6:01 Indians of North America -- Iowa
8477 Aim: let game species develop in new residence -- state eradicating fish a 09/04/1969 1S:3 Fishes
8478 Aiming at the wrong target. 11/26/1971 8:01 Discrimination in Employment
8479 Aiming at wrong target 11/02/1975 1B:1 United Nations
8480 Aims at series of summit talks 11/12/1968 6:07 Nixon, Richard Milhous