Articles Listings

Displaying 8681 - 8700 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8681 Albin J. Nelson Memorial Fund has been established. 01/12/1969 9T:3 Luther College
8682 Albuquerque city officials hold up approval of contract to make Civic Audit 03/21/1969 2:06 Students for a Democratic Society
8683 ALC endorses selective conscientious objection, for Viet-only objectors. 11/12/1970 4:05 Conscientious Objectors
8684 Alcatraz is ours, Indian says at Iowa State University 01/23/1971 5S:6 Indians of North America
8685 Alcoa gives 181 acres for East Iowa area college. 02/23/1967 11:02 Colleges and Universities - Iowa
8686 Alcoa sales rose in 1967 as it produced such diverse products as airplane w 01/07/1968 11A:1 Aluminum
8687 Alcohol bill passes United States Senate in unanimous vote 08/11/1970 1:07 Hughes, Harold E.
8688 Alcohol may affect unborn child. 03/14/1970 9:03 Prenatal influences
8689 Alcohol may affect unborn child. 03/14/1970 9:03 Alcohol
8690 Alcohol unit move blasted - from Harrison Treatment and Rehabilitation Hosp 01/25/1974 6:01 Alcoholism
8691 Alcohol-drug clinic voted for Iowa City 06/27/1970 3:08 Alcoholism
8692 Alcohol-drug clinic voted for Iowa City. 06/27/1970 3:08 Drugs
8693 Alcoholic bill to Iowa House committee 02/22/1972 7:08 Alcoholism
8694 Alcoholic programs need help of women - conference entitled "The Emerging W 04/11/1976 5E:1 Alcoholism
8695 Alcoholic's book called 'best' in counseling - "Who Am I? Asks the Alcoholi 04/20/1975 3C:1 Alcoholism
8696 Alcoholics Anonymous Canadian Indians in Spencer talk. 09/21/1969 6T:1 Alcoholism
8697 Alcoholics in Iowa-Dr.Harold Mulford, director of alcoholism studies at the 01/02/1960 4:06 Alcoholism
8698 Alcoholics learn to look at selves, face problems at Independence State Hos 03/08/1966 1:04 Alcoholism
8699 Alcoholism aid by Polk County cities urged. 06/30/1971 1:06 Alcoholism
8700 Alcoholism doubles in Cedar Rapids. 06/09/1974 4B:5 Alcoholism