Articles Listings

Displaying 8801 - 8820 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8801 All-city drug council planned, Des Moines 09/12/1970 3:06 Drugs
8802 All-Drake dance March 7. 03/01/1970 2L:4 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
8803 All-Iowa drum and bugle corps contest is attended by Senator Miller and Rep 06/15/1970 6:01 Music
8804 All-Iowa drum and bugle corps contest is attended by Senator Miller and Rep 06/15/1970 6:01 Culver, John
8805 All-Iowa fair deadline near - July 3-12, Cedar Rapids 06/10/1970 11:01 Fairs
8806 All-Iowa fair opens June 27, Cedar Rapids 06/27/1969 15:03 Fairs
8807 All-Iowa Fair to open in Cedar Rapids 07/02/1971 12:01 Fairs
8808 All-Iowa Fair winners told 07/03/1971 5S:2 Fairs
8809 All-Iowan drum and bugle corps contest is attended by Senator Miller and Re 06/15/1970 6:01 Miller, Jack
8810 All-Mozart concert is set in honor of Genevieve Wheat Baal, once professor 11/19/1967 2L:4 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
8811 All-Negro Paul Quinn College, Waco, Texas, closed by violence 07/30/1970 4:04 Violence
8812 All-night party at Creston 05/10/1970 1T:8 High School Students
8813 All-night Vatican vigil to protest Catholic reforms, Vatican City. 06/29/1970 9:05 Catholic Church
8814 All-out drive by University of Iowa for more Negroes 05/12/1968 1L:1 Negro Students
8815 All-out drive by University of Iowa for more Negroes. 05/12/1968 1L:1 Iowa. University, Iowa City
8816 All-out effort by hen produces huge egg, Decatur City 05/31/1970 2L:1 Egg Industry and Trade
8817 All-purpose credit cards questioned, Iowa law restricts bank interest. 12/11/1966 1L:8 Credit Cards
8818 All-state forensic team. 04/13/1969 1T:8 Debates and Debating
8819 All-State Music Festival, November 27, 28. 11/26/1970 3:01 Music Festivals
8820 All-State Music Festival, November 28, at KRNT Theater. 11/22/1970 2T:1 Music Festivals