Articles Listings

Displaying 8981 - 9000 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8981 Amazing rise of George McGovern. 06/08/1972 14:01 Presidential Candidates
8982 Amazing rise of George McGovern. 06/08/1972 14:01 McGovern, George S.
8983 Ambassador Harriman said he did not believe presidential hopefuls "would wa 07/02/1968 10:08 McCarthy, Eugene
8984 Ambassador Harriman said he didn't believe presidential hopefuls "would wan 07/02/1968 10:08 Peace
8985 Ambassador Lodge rejects Viet Cong talks 10/17/1969 7:02 Lodge, Henry Cabot
8986 Ambassador Lodge rejects Viet Cong talks. 10/17/1969 7:02 Peace
8987 Ambassador to Britain? 03/06/1969 6:01 Annenburg, Walter H.
8988 Ambassador to Britain? 03/06/1969 6:01 Great Britain
8989 Ambiguous verdict in church trial 05/25/1968 6:01 Churches
8990 Ambition, but no talent 06/27/1975 8:04 Harris, Sydney
8991 Ambivalence on Diem 11/03/1973 6:01 Vietnam
8992 Ambrose Boge, a 59-year-old retired farmer from Earlville, owner of a harne 02/23/1975 4 Harness
8993 Ambulance abuse in Iowa cited. 12/27/1970 5L:1 Ambulances
8994 Ambulance crisis in Cedar rapids: firm demands monopoly. 02/03/1971 9:07 Ambulances
8995 Ambulance crisis seen for Des Moines 10/19/1969 1:07 Ambulances
8996 Ambulance for Independence 11/26/1969 10:05 Ambulances
8997 Ambulance fuss goes on, Waterloo. 05/12/1973 7:04 Ambulances
8998 Ambulance grant to Iowa - 25 towns to share $125,000 aid. 06/15/1969 1T:8 Ambulances
8999 Ambulance is stolen, Sabula. 01/02/1970 3:08 Ambulances
9000 Ambulance laws urged, Iowa City plans outlined. 07/25/1966 3:02 Ambulances