Articles Listings

Displaying 8761 - 8780 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8761 All couples are incompatible 05/25/1971 6:01 Harris, Sydney
8762 All couples are incompatible 05/25/1971 6:03 Individual and Society
8763 All day classes at Drake University canceled because the team is playing in 03/20/1969 1:05 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
8764 All Egyptian universities closed "to avert possible clashes" between studen 11/25/1968 5:06 College Students
8765 All elections are important, comments on those not voting 11/04/1966 12:01 Elections
8766 All federal, state, Polk County and municipal government offices are closed 07/03/1970 3:04 Government Employees
8767 All fish threatened in 50-mile stretch below the Des Moines sewage treatmen 01/21/1968 4S:1 Water Pollution
8768 All freed from Sioux City Jail. 12/26/1970 1:01 Prisoners
8769 All harmony in GOP (Grand Old Party). 07/28/1970 4:01 Republican Party
8770 All hunters suffer for acts of few 12/10/1967 4S:1 Hunters
8771 All in the contagious ward 04/27/1971 6:04 Harris, Sydney
8772 All in the line of duty for firemen at blaze, Washington, Iowa 06/07/1970 1L:1 Fire Protection
8773 All interested individuals are invited to discuss Ames lake project. 12/16/1973 10A:1 Conservation
8774 All Iowans feel jobless pinch 11/17/1974 1C:1 Unemployment
8775 All is 'go' for Apollo 12, November 14. 11/14/1969 1:05 Space Flight to the Moon
8776 All men are equal in eyes of IRS computer--even Attorney General W. Ramsey 06/03/1968 16:05 Income Tax
8777 All municipalities directed to meet minimum standards on sewage. 12/02/1965 4:01 Water Pollution
8778 All not sweetness, light between two 'first ladies'--Mrs. Hughes and Mrs. R 01/10/1969 1:02 Iowa -- Governors
8779 All of Libertyville's past acts okayed by Iowa House unit. 03/06/1974 5:07 Cities and Towns
8780 All of Loras College's 1,550 students boycott classes in support of Student 03/22/1969 5:01 College Students