Articles Listings

Displaying 8601 - 8620 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
8601 Airplane missing, hunt former Loras teacher. 02/19/1968 5:05 Airplanes
8602 Airport bonds election asked, Rockwell City 12/20/1970 3T:3 Airports
8603 Airport grant for Dubuque 10/02/1969 17:02 Airports
8604 Airport plan at Waterloo 12/21/1973 7:05 Airports
8605 Airport plans for Cedar Rapids told 01/27/1971 11:04 Airports
8606 Airport use fee proposal changed by Des Moines council. 07/18/1972 1:01 Air Travel
8607 Airport user-fees ruled okay, Cedar Rapids. 07/04/1972 4:02 Air Travel
8608 Ak-Sar-Ben Bridge, 80, succumbs to wreckers. 04/09/1968 4:01 Bridges
8609 Ak-Sar-Ben train to be halted while Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) st 07/30/1970 3:02 Railroads
8610 Ak-Sar-Ben's defiant span stands alone. 08/25/1968 1L:2 Bridges
8611 Al Barkin, national director of American Federation of Labor - Congress of 09/12/1968 7:01 Presidential Candidates
8612 Al Barkin, national director of American Federation of Labor - Congress of 09/12/1968 7:01 Labor
8613 Al Capp comments on the campus disrupter during testimony before Senate sub 07/04/1969 4:04 Capp, Al
8614 Al Capp comments on the campus disrupter during testimony before Senate sub 07/04/1969 4:04 College Students
8615 Al Capp raps news media 03/31/1971 3S:6 Government and the Press
8616 Al Capp, frequent lecturer to college audiences, offers a lively dialogue o 02/23/1969 p. 2 College Students
8617 Al Coe fights to save his junk 11/24/1969 8:02 Junkyards
8618 Al Kunz, operator of Century 21 carnival shows, mulls appeal on games rule 07/26/1972 1:04 Gambling
8619 Al Rockwell joins syndicate unit 12/19/1969 13:01 Des Moines Register and Tribune
8620 Al-anon begins 24 hour phone service to help spouses, relatives and friends 08/27/1974 8:04 Alcoholism