Articles Listings

Displaying 9041 - 9060 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
9041 America's land-grant colleges, including Iowa State University at Ames, are 06/01/1972 1:06 Colleges and Universities
9042 America's land-grant colleges, including Iowa State University at Ames, are 06/01/1972 1:06 Iowa. State University of Science and Technology, Ames
9043 America's last frontier 01/05/1969 8T:1 Alaska
9044 America's Latin partnership. 11/05/1968 6:01 Latin America
9045 America's most urgent decision - halting the slide toward a divided nation. 10/11/1968 6:03 Civil Rights
9046 America's new first lady 01/19/1969 1G:6 Nixon, Richard Milhous
9047 America's pension tradegy. 07/13/1970 1:01 Pensions
9048 America's rivers and lakes used as sewers, cesspools. 07/15/1966 8:04 Water Pollution
9049 America's safety valve 06/22/1971 4:01 Freedom of the Press
9050 America's safety valve 06/22/1971 4:01 Government and the Press
9051 America's secret nuclear arsenal includes production complex at Burlington, 11/10/1969 1:03 Atomic Weapons
9052 America's sexual change is in attitudes, not actions, Iowa University profe 07/11/1966 1:07 Sex Relations
9053 America's Sunday schools facing a period of crisis 07/24/1966 1G:6 Sunday Schools
9054 American 'pessimistic' on Vietnam's election 09/03/1967 3G:1 Vietnam
9055 American Academy of Achievement gives Golden Eagle award to Cedar Falls boy 06/25/1970 3:06 Rewards, Prizes, Etc.
9056 American Airlines president George Spater, urges Des Moines support for his 02/06/1969 10:01 Airlines
9057 American art: a 'revolution'--"Twenty-five Years of American Painting: 194 03/04/1973 Picture:14 Art - Exhibitions
9058 American Association for Advancement of Science announces that Michael Edwa 11/22/1970 3T:8 Rewards, Prizes, Etc.
9059 American Association for Conservation Information winter workshop, March 2- 02/26/1970 5:01 Conservation
9060 American Association of University Professors (AAUP) declares national bill 01/16/1966 13G:4 College Students