Articles Listings

Displaying 9201 - 9220 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
9201 American Legion of Iowa is sending scholarship handbook, "Need A Lift?", to 01/17/1971 7T:2 Scholarships and Fellowships
9202 American Legion Post refuses to allow Bundy of Church League of America at 03/16/1969 3L:3 Bundy, Edgar C.
9203 American Legion Post refuses to allow Edgar C. Bundy of Church League of Am 03/16/1969 3L:3 Right and Left (Political Science)
9204 American Legion presents gift of trees for Iowa State Capitol gounds 04/20/1969 2T:8 Iowa - Capital and Capitol
9205 American Legionnaires applauded Mr. Wallace at New Orleans. 09/12/1968 1:07 Wallace, George Corley
9206 American Librarian Association President, K. Doms assails stereotype of lib 10/15/1971 4:01 Librarians
9207 American Library Association denounces Internal Revenue Service library pro 07/21/1970 2:07 Explosives
9208 American Library Association denounces Internal Revenue Service library pro 07/21/1970 2:07 American Library Association
9209 American Library Association denounces Internal Revenue Service library pro 07/21/1970 2:07 Libraries
9210 American Lutheran Church (ALC) elects, sets budget. 06/18/1969 20:02 Religious Conferences
9211 American Lutheran Church (ALC) Lutheran group backs James Forman 06/23/1969 12:01 Church and Race Problems
9212 American Lutheran Church (ALC) mulls reorganizing. 10/21/1968 14:06 Religious Conferences
9213 American Lutheran Church (ALC) seeks 'crisis' funds 12/28/1969 4T:6 Church and Race Problems
9214 American Lutheran Church endorses selective conscientious objection. 10/28/1970 20:01 Lutheran Church in the United States
9215 American Lutheran Church names Doctor (Dr.) W.H. Weiblen as president of Wa 02/22/1971 3:06 College Presidents
9216 American Lutheran Church names Dr. William H. Weiblen as president of Wartb 02/22/1971 3:06 Theological Schools
9217 American Lutheran Church to allow children to attend early communion and wo 10/25/1970 2G:5 Lutheran Church in the United States
9218 American Lutheran Church votes $1.5 million to urban program - the decision 06/29/1969 3G:5 Church and Race Problems
9219 American Machine and Foundry Company, Western Tool Division, Inc. now has t 01/07/1968 24A:1 Business
9220 American Meat Institute backs strong bill on meat. 04/16/1969 2:03 Meat Industry and Trade