Articles Listings

Displaying 16561 - 16580 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
16561 British abortion act works well. 02/08/1970 4G:1 Abortion
16562 British abortion laws prevent 20,000 illegitimate births. 03/10/1970 7:06 Abortion
16563 British archeologist thinks he has found castle of Camelot. 08/07/1966 16G:1 Archeology
16564 British arms for South Africa. 07/21/1970 4:01 South Africa
16565 British arms for South Africa. 07/21/1970 4:01 Great Britain
16566 British bill to legalize abortions 07/23/1966 1:01 Abortion
16567 British book: '50 classics we could do without'. 09/03/1967 1:02 Books and Reading
16568 British Broadcasting Corporation man tells about visit. 09/10/1965 6:03 Agriculture - Iowa
16569 British comments on dress 01/18/1966 4:01 Johnson, Lyndon B.
16570 British court sets date for Ray extradition hearing 06/19/1968 12:05 King, Martin Luther
16571 British debaters from Cambridge to visit Drake. 10/22/1967 5L:3 Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa
16572 British devaluation and the dollar. 11/24/1967 8:01 Great Britain
16573 British election doubts. 09/27/1974 14:01 Great Britain
16574 British election timing 05/22/1970 10:01 Great Britain
16575 British election timing. 05/22/1970 10:01 Law Enforcement - Iowa
16576 British fail to comprehend President showing operation scar 10/24/1965 18G:1 Johnson, Lyndon B.
16577 British find volunteer army hard to recruit and to retain. 03/08/1971 12:05 Military Service, Voluntary
16578 British government is developing a powerful fragmentation grenade, proposed 01/22/1969 10:03 Riots
16579 British have problems with new "easier" abortion law. 07/29/1969 6:04 Abortion
16580 British labor backs common market 10/09/1967 8:01 European Economic Community