Articles Listings

Displaying 16721 - 16740 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
16721 Browns pick Negro, white co-captains 07/22/1968 3S:2 Negro Athletes
16722 Brownville, Nebraska N-plant shut down again following explosion. 11/06/1975 1A:2 Atomic Power Plants
16723 Browse into Iowa's past at Iowa State Historical Museum 02/14/1972 17:01 Iowa - History
16724 Bruce A. Harrison will become vice-president of Iowa Wesleyan College 05/15/1969 3:01 Iowa Wesleyan College, Mt. Pleasant
16725 Bruce A. Harrison will become vice-president of Iowa Wesleyan College. 05/15/1969 3:01 College Presidents
16726 Bruce A. Orr's goal: help young veterans 02/20/1972 2C:1 Veterans
16727 Bruce Minemier, 22, of Beverly, New Jersey, a University of Dubuque student 12/20/1970 3L:6 College Students
16728 Bruce mission a 'mere charade'? 07/24/1970 4:04 Vietnam
16729 Bruce mission a 'mere charade'? 07/24/1970 4:04 Bruce, David K. E.
16730 Bruce mission a 'mere charade'? 07/24/1970 4:04 Bruce, David K. E.
16731 Bruce mission a 'more charade'? 07/24/1970 4:04 Peace
16732 Bruce Van Druff expects 'soaring' growth for Iowa 01/12/1969 17A:1 Business
16733 Brucellosis law seen as blow to Iowa. 07/31/1969 12:01 Cattle
16734 Brucellosis law seen as blow to Iowa. 07/31/1969 12:01 Brucellosis in Cattle
16735 Brucellosis quarantine at largest Iowa farm - the Shinrone Farms, which cov 01/17/1976 11A:1 Brucellosis in Cattle
16736 Brucellosis suit is filed. 09/26/1969 9:04 Brucellosis in Cattle
16737 Brush Creek Canyon is forgotten state park -- obscurity becomes it 07/20/1969 4L:2 Iowa -- Parks and Reserves
16738 Brushy Creek foes mount 'stop-the-dam' campaign, Fort Dodge, Iowa. 06/25/1976 3B:1 Conservation
16739 Brushy Creek lake, park plans presented to conservation unit. 04/07/1976 10A:2 Conservation
16740 Brutal wind stings Des Moines in zero cold 01/24/1969 1:01 Weather