Articles Listings

Displaying 16661 - 16680 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
16661 Broadlawns Polk County Hospital votes to keep Des Moines detoxification cen 03/21/1969 8:03 Alcoholism
16662 Broadlawns query asked 12/16/1970 3:04 Hospitals
16663 Broadlawns rates up $6 06/10/1970 1:08 Hospitals
16664 Broadlawns shift opposed 01/21/1974 1:04 Hospitals
16665 Broadlawns to be accredited again 02/12/1971 12:02 Hospitals
16666 Broadlawns, area college join for nurses' training. 07/13/1972 10:06 Nurses and Nursing
16667 Broadlawns, University of Iowa link 01/08/1971 16:02 Iowa. University, Iowa City
16668 Broadlawns, University of Iowa position -- Doctor S. Sands will supervise t 07/11/1970 3:05 Iowa. University, Iowa City
16669 Broadlawns, University of Iowa position--Doctor (Dr.) S. Sands will supervi 07/11/1970 3:05 Medical Education
16670 Broke Negro teacher bar in Des Moines in 1946, still teachers there 08/28/1966 12L:1 Teachers
16671 Broke Negro teacher bar in Des Moines in 1946, still teaches there 08/28/1966 12L:1 Negroes in the United States
16672 Broke rules in hiring of poverty aide. 01/17/1968 1:01 Poverty
16673 Broke, in hospital, law bars Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) to A. Vega's f 12/29/1968 3L:3 Social Welfare
16674 Broke, in hospital, law bars Aid to Dependent Children to A. Vega's family. 12/29/1968 3L:3 Aid to Dependent Children
16675 Broken back, paralyzed legs, H. Anderson keeps farming 01/25/1970 6T:2 Farmers
16676 Broken promises 10/27/1973 10:01 Watergate Incident, 1972
16677 Broken promises. 01/19/1971 6:01 Nixon, Richard Milhous
16678 Broken promises. 01/19/1971 6:01 Vietnam
16679 Brokers see scant pickup in Iowa sales. 06/22/1970 3:01 Business
16680 Brokers see scant pickup in Iowa sales. 06/22/1970 3:01 Stock Exchange