Articles Listings

Displaying 16621 - 16640 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
16621 Briton sees growing introversion of United States 08/23/1966 4:03 United States
16622 Briton, Tonly Tanner, likes play role of United States patriot-KRNT Theater 09/24/1970 11:02 Actors and Actresses
16623 Britons debate 'good death' 10/15/1967 1G:6 Euthanasia
16624 Britons favor freer sex life 03/20/1970 5:04 Sexual Ethics
16625 Britons now adults, almost, at 18 01/18/1970 10T:3 Youth
16626 Britons planning test-tube baby 02/25/1970 1:06 Artificial Insemination, Human
16627 Britt builds a do-it-yourself golf course, getting new library and city hal 06/02/1968 pp. 4-7 Cities and Towns
16628 Britt Hobo Day plans hit snag 04/02/1969 4:08 Vagabonds
16629 Britt's annual Hobo Days will be August 11-12 07/13/1969 7T:3 Vagabonds
16630 Britt's hobo day art show during National Hobo Convention 08/10/1969 8T:2 Art - Exhibitions
16631 Britt's hobo day art show during National Hobo Convention 08/10/1969 8T:2 Vagabonds
16632 Bro and his wife, Lu take up residency in Indianola - he will have a play-w 08/02/1970 4T:1 Simpson College
16633 Bro and his wife, Lu, take up residence in Indianola -- he will have a play 08/02/1970 4T:1 Dramatists, American
16634 Bro and his wife, Lu, take up residency in Indianola - he will have a play- 08/02/1970 4T:1 Bro, Andrew
16635 Bro and his wife, Lu, will take up residency in Indianola - he will have a 08/02/1970 4T:1 College Professors and Instructors
16636 Broad federal authority asked over rail safety. 07/01/1969 1:06 Railroads
16637 Broad ruling on schools. 12/18/1969 8:01 Public Schools - Desegregation
16638 Broad scope in University of Northern Iowa art show 04/11/1969 24:02:00 Art - Exhibitions
16639 Broad study of United States draft by civilians, Johnson names 20 to panel. 07/03/1966 1G:5 Military Service, Compulsory
16640 Broad, vague and unneeded 01/22/1973 10:01 Federal Aid to Education