Articles Listings

Displaying 39941 - 39960 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
39941 Gallup Poll finds sixty percent approve President Nixon's handling of job 06/25/1972 1A:2 Gallup Poll
39942 Gallup Poll finds sixty-seven percent favor registration of all guns 06/05/1975 20:02 Firearms
39943 Gallup Poll finds South more livable for blacks 08/15/1971 3G:7 Negroes in the United States
39944 Gallup Poll finds Switzerland is 'best governed' nation - United States is 06/25/1970 22:02 Switzerland
39945 Gallup Poll finds Switzerland is 'best governed' nation, United States is n 06/25/1970 22:02 Gallup Poll
39946 Gallup Poll finds Switzerland is 'best governed' nation-United States is nu 06/25/1970 22:02 Nations
39947 Gallup Poll finds sympathies of Americans are with Israel. 03/19/1970 9:03 Middle East
39948 Gallup Poll finds twenty percent of voters support Governor Wallace 10/16/1975 7A:2 Gallup Poll
39949 Gallup Poll finds United States churchgoing continues its decline 12/28/1969 1G:2 Church Attendance
39950 Gallup Poll finds United States, world optimistic about future 01/15/1970 16:03 World Politics
39951 Gallup Poll finds Vice-President Agnew is helping G.O.P. position in South. 11/09/1969 8G:4 Agnew, Spiro T.
39952 Gallup Poll finds Vietnam phase-out favored by doves, hawks 03/13/1968 5:01 Vietnam
39953 Gallup Poll finds Vietnam phase-out favored by doves, hawks 03/13/1968 5:01 Gallup Poll
39954 Gallup Poll finds voters under twenty-one dim Grand Old Party hopes for 197 04/18/1971 5G:2 Voting
39955 Gallup Poll finds Wallace is holding most of his 1968 support 03/22/1970 8G:5 Wallace, George Corley
39956 Gallup Poll finds Wallace's appeal to voters undiminished. 07/23/1970 5:07 Wallace, George Corley
39957 Gallup Poll finds war aids Democrats in getting votes of women 10/30/1970 11:01 Women and Politics
39958 Gallup Poll finds widespread worry on unemployment 10/08/1970 10:01 Unemployment
39959 Gallup Poll finds women voters gave victories to Democrats 11/08/1970 3G:6 Elections
39960 Gallup Poll foresees Democratic landslide 10/27/1974 5A:2 Elections