Articles Listings

Displaying 40041 - 40060 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
40041 Gallup Poll: Mrs. Nixon most admired in woman in United States. 12/31/1972 1A:2 Nixon, Patricia (Ryan)
40042 Gallup Poll: Nixon's popularity grows; 65 percent approval 03/30/1969 5G:5 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40043 Gallup Poll: President Ford's popularity in eleven-point jump to fifty-one 06/12/1975 16:04 Ford, Gerald R.
40044 Gallup Poll: public backs President Nixon but opposes using Yanks 05/04/1970 1:06 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40045 Gallup Poll: Public backs President Nixon but opposes using Yanks. 05/04/1970 1:06 Cambodia
40046 Gallup Poll: Public favors ouster of Nixon by forty-eight percent to thirt 05/27/1974 8:03 Gallup Poll
40047 Gallup Poll: Republicans to regain 1964 losses. 10/23/1966 1:02 Political Parties
40048 Gallup Poll: Sixty percent of Americans Favor Teaching Careers 11/20/1968 10:03 Gallup Poll
40049 Gallup Poll: Survey: thirty-nine percent in United States want tighter ene 12/20/1973 12:04 Fuel Supply
40050 Gallup Poll: Ten percent in United States say they'd like to emigrate 03/28/1974 2:03 Gallup Poll
40051 Gallup Poll: The Supreme Court's action popular 07/28/1974 6B:1 Watergate Incident, 1972
40052 Gallup Poll: The Supreme Court's action popular 07/28/1974 6B:1 Gallup Poll
40053 Gallup Poll: voters favor Gerald Ford over President Nixon as President 02/04/1974 1:06 Gallup Poll
40054 Gallup Poll: way nations are run dissatisfies Yanks, British 02/13/1972 4A:4 Nations
40055 Gallup Poll: world leaders see better life in year 2000 12/07/1972 11:07 Standard of Living
40056 Gallup Poll: 16 million Americans would like to leave United States. 03/21/1971 1G:2 Citizenship
40057 Gallup Poll: 18 percent on campuses try hallucingogenic drugs 02/10/1972 12:01 Drugs
40058 Gallup Poll: 3 in 4 think Nixon involved in Watergate 07/23/1973 18:05 Watergate Incident, 1972
40059 Gallup Poll: 37 percent feel GOP more likely to stay out of war. 08/18/1972 9:02 War
40060 Gallup Poll: 37% feel GOP (Grand Old Party) more likely to stay out of war. 08/18/1972 9:02 Republican Party