Articles Listings

Displaying 40121 - 40140 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
40121 Gallup Poll: public favors ouster of Nixon by 48 percent to 37 percent. 05/27/1974 8:03 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40122 Gallup Poll: public rejects Negro demands for $500 million 06/12/1969 11:06 Church and Race Problems
40123 Gallup Poll: public rejects Negro demands for 500 million dollars 06/12/1969 11:06 Gallup Poll
40124 Gallup Poll: Public wants greater accountablility by schools. 12/13/1970 4G:4 Public Schools
40125 Gallup Poll: Republicans oppose change in party label. 12/19/1974 14:07 Republican Party
40126 Gallup Poll: Republicans to regain 1964 losses 10/23/1966 1:02 Gallup Poll
40127 Gallup Poll: Ronald Reagan top GOP (Grand Old Party) 1976 choice. 10/21/1973 6B:3 Republican Party
40128 Gallup Poll: Secretary of State Henry Kissinger heads list of men the Ameri 12/30/1973 8A:1 Kissinger, Henry A.
40129 Gallup Poll: Senator McGovern trails, as Senator Humphrey did in '68. 07/22/1972 7:05 Presidential Candidates
40130 Gallup Poll: Senator Muskie and Senator Kennedy tie. 08/01/1971 3G:5 Democratic Party
40131 Gallup Poll: Sharp rise in use of marijuana on campus. 02/06/1972 3A:2 Marijuana
40132 Gallup Poll: sixty percent of Americans Favor Teaching Careers 11/20/1968 10:03 Teaching
40133 Gallup Poll: sixty-seven percent feel students should vote in hometown 08/19/1971 8:02 Voting
40134 Gallup Poll: United States family spends record amount on food 02/13/1975 7:06 Food - Prices
40135 Gallup Poll: voters favor Gerald Ford over President Nixon as President 02/04/1974 1:06 Presidents - United States
40136 Gallup Poll: Wallace, Humphrey close if Kennedy out. 08/07/1975 18:02 Presidential Candidates
40137 Gallup Poll: wide President Nixon lead over 2 GOP (Grand Old Party) contend 03/02/1972 22:05 Republican Party
40138 Gallup Poll: world gloomy. 01/05/1975 7B:3 Economic Conditions
40139 Gallup Poll: World leaders for stronger United nations 09/20/1973 7:01 United Nations
40140 Gallup: many pleased by Agnew's 'speaking mind' 06/21/1970 1:02 Gallup Poll