Articles Listings

Displaying 40081 - 40100 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
40081 Gallup Poll: Democrats better able to keep United States prosperous. 07/09/1970 2:01 Democratic Party
40082 Gallup Poll: Democrats better able to keep United States prosperous. 07/09/1970 2:01 Economic Conditions
40083 Gallup Poll: Edward Muskie close to President Ford. 12/08/1974 7B:2 Presidential Candidates
40084 Gallup Poll: Edward Muskie leads Henry Jackson. 06/01/1975 8B:3 Presidential Candidates
40085 Gallup Poll: Family of four needs minimum of $127 weekly. 01/07/1972 1:02 Cost of Living
40086 Gallup Poll: fifty-five percent unhappy with price control operation 01/30/1972 6A:2 Wage - Price Policy
40087 Gallup Poll: Find sympathy for Israel, but arms shipments opposed. 12/23/1973 7B:1 Middle East
40088 Gallup Poll: food costs take up smaller part of budget 04/08/1973 6A:1 Food - Prices
40089 Gallup Poll: forty-four percent favor reducing military spending 10/03/1974 4:01 United States - Armed Forces - Appropriations and Expenditures
40090 Gallup Poll: forty-four percent like Mr. Ford's job 11/23/1975 4B:2 Ford, Gerald R.
40091 Gallup Poll: forty-two percent feel too much being spent on defense 03/15/1973 2:05 United States - Armed Forces - Appropriations and Expenditures
40092 Gallup Poll: GOP (Grand Old Party) allegiance at lowest level since 1964. 10/10/1971 6A:2 Republican Party
40093 Gallup Poll: GOP support for Vice President Agnew for President dips. 08/30/1973 4:07 Agnew, Spiro T.
40094 Gallup Poll: Governor Edward Brown in fourth place in Democratic scramble. 04/03/1976 7A:1 Presidential Candidates
40095 Gallup Poll: Jimmy Carter tied with H. Humphrey, leads President Ford in he 03/16/1976 2B:2 Presidential Candidates
40096 Gallup Poll: lack of discipline number one problem in schools. 11/21/1974 5:01 School Discipline
40097 Gallup Poll: Let Democrats solve problems. 02/01/1976 6B:1 Democratic Party
40098 Gallup Poll: Let Nixon keep job. 12/16/1973 7B:1 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40099 Gallup Poll: little progress in getting voters registered 03/30/1972 1:07 Voters, Registration of
40100 Gallup Poll: Living cost-inflation top worry of United States public. 05/20/1973 9A:3 Cost of Living