Articles Listings

Displaying 40101 - 40120 of 115578
Title Date Location Subject
40101 Gallup Poll: Mideast trip didn't boost President Nixon's popularity. 07/04/1974 20:02 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40102 Gallup Poll: Mideast war likely. 01/26/1975 6B:1 Middle East
40103 Gallup Poll: More in United States back admitting Peking to United Nations. 10/18/1970 7G:1 China (People's Republic)
40104 Gallup Poll: national primary favored by 4 to 1 margin. 04/07/1972 1:01 Primaries
40105 Gallup Poll: Only twenty-nine percent approve of way Congress does job 07/21/1975 8:07 United States Congress
40106 Gallup Poll: Optimism on keeping jobs rises to sixty-one percent 05/15/1975 7:01 Unemployment
40107 Gallup Poll: Percentage of Unidentified Flying Object seers doubles 12/02/1973 7A:1 Flying Saucers
40108 Gallup Poll: President Ford's popularity declines to near low point 01/08/1976 14A:5 Ford, Gerald R.
40109 Gallup Poll: President Ford's popularity slips to forty-one percent 12/11/1975 10B:3 Ford, Gerald R.
40110 Gallup Poll: President Nixon and Senator Muskie now in standoff battle. 01/31/1972 1:06 Presidential Candidates
40111 Gallup Poll: President Nixon holds lead over Muskie. 11/07/1971 2A:4 Presidential Candidates
40112 Gallup Poll: President Nixon more sincere, believable than Senator McGovern 09/28/1972 8:05 Presidential Candidates
40113 Gallup Poll: President Nixon's downtrend in popularity levels off. 11/15/1973 13:07 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40114 Gallup Poll: President Nixon's popularity at all-time low point. 07/22/1973 7A:1 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40115 Gallup Poll: President Nixon's popularity dip may be leveling off. 06/07/1973 24:05:00 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40116 Gallup Poll: President Nixon's popularity equals all-time low. 05/10/1973 1:07 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40117 Gallup Poll: President Nixon's popularity hits low; 50 percent approval. 04/01/1971 12:02 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40118 Gallup Poll: President Nixon's popularity remains at low level. 10/22/1973 12:07 Nixon, Richard Milhous
40119 Gallup Poll: Public backs using troops to evacuate Yanks 04/23/1975 18:02 Vietnam
40120 Gallup Poll: Public confidence in economy continues to climb. 04/08/1976 9A:2 Economic Conditions